Nova High School

High School

Nova Yearbook pre-Sale

Summary: You can order by check, cash, or credit card. Get your yearbook now! It's going to be a great one!


Order Direct and Pay for your yearbook

or with a credit/debit card using SchoolPay

Simply create an account using your student’s name or school ID#.

Consider paying extra to donate a yearbook to a student in need.

You can also pay with cash or write a check payable to Nova ASB.

Please turn in this completed form with your payment attached to the main office.

Student (s) Name: (print please)   _____________________________________

Student (s) Coordinator:  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________________________________

Yearbook(s) Ordered:      ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________

$ ________ Donation for student(s) needing a yearbook.

TOAL ENCLOSED:  __________            CHECK#: __________ CASH:  __________

My student will need a yearbook donated: _____ yes please.